Sunday, February 26, 2012



Curl - Ups
Lay on your back with your knees in a bent position. Put your arms straight out in front of you, curl up, and reach your arms past your knees. Pause, and return to start position. Repeat.

Start by lying down on your back with your legs extended straight out and your arms by your side with palms on the floor. Get ready to start the set by lifting up your heels off the floor slightly. Keeping your knees together, slowly pull up your knees towards your torso. Pull your knees up as far as possible, then slowly lower back to the starting position. Do not let your feet touch the floor throughout the set.
Leg lifts
Lie on your back with your legs flat on the floor. With your lower back against the floor, raise aise your legs up in the air. Pause, and then lower your legs until your heel is just off the ground. Repeat.
Crunches on a Balance Ball
With your feet flat on the floor, place your lower back on the ball and keep your upper body and thighs parallel to the floor. Do crunches as usual; use your abs to lift only your shoulders and upper back off the fitness ball.
Jack Knife with Balance Ball
Start in pushup position, but with your shins on a fitness ball. Your body should form a straight line from ankles to head. Without rounding your lower back, contract your abs and use your feet to pull the ball toward your chest by bending your knees. Pause, and return to the starting position.

Bridge w Knee Extension on Balance Ball
Lie on the floor with your heels up on a ball and your hips lifted so your body forms a straight line. Lift your right leg toward the ceiling as far as possible. Slowly lower your leg and gently place your heel on the ball. Repeat with the left leg, and keep alternating for a full rep.

Reverse Crunch
Lie on the floor and bend your knees so they are at 90 degrees. Start by curling your hips off the floor and reach your legs up towards the ceiling. Pause, and slowly return to starting position.

Sit ups- Weighted
Perform a normal sit up exercise and hug a weighted plate across your chest to add resistance.

Lie on your back on the floor with your feet shoulder width apart. Begin by lifting your upper body up until you are sitting up straight with your arms either at your sides, crossed in front of you, or behind your head. Lower your body back to the floor. Make sure that you do not use your arms to swing your body up and make sure that your feet remain touching the ground at all times.

Weighted crunch
Lie on the floor or a flat bench and hold a plate behind your neck or hugged across your chest. Raise your upper torso, pause at the top, and return to starting position. Repeat.


Dumbbell- Side Bend
Stand straight up with a dumbbell in your right hand and your back straight. Place your left hand on your waist. Begin by bending to the right as far as you can, and then to the left as far as you can, using only your waist. After completing your target number of reps, switch the dumbbell to the other hand and repeat.

Oblique Crunches
Lie flat on your back with your knees bent. Begin by placing your right hand behind your right ear and raise your upper body turning your torso to the left, up until your right elbow touches your left knee. Pause, lower your body back to the starting position, and repeat. To complete the set, switch to your left hand and do the same thing by turning your torso to the right.

Roman Twist
Position your body sideways on a roman chair. Cross your hands over your chest and lower yourself as far as possible, pause, and return to starting position.

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