Sunday, February 26, 2012



Dumbbell- Alternate Bicep Curl
Stand up with arms hanging and dumbbells in both hands, palms facing in. Curl dumbbell for one arm, twising your wrist on the way up and keeping your elbows still. Slowly lower and alternate with the other arm

Dumbbell- Alternate Hammer Curl
Start by standing with a dumbbell in each hand, arms hanging at your sides and your palms inwards. Begin by curling the weight in one hand towards the shoulder in a circular motion. Squeeze the bicep at the end of the lift and slowly lower. Alternate the hands and repeat. During the whole exercise keep your upper body still, your elbows locked, and your palms faced inwards.
Dumbbell- Alternate Incline Curl
Sit on an incline bench with a dumbbell in each hand palms facing inwards. Slowly curl the weight in your right hand up to shoulder level, pause, and then slowly lower the weight. Alternate with the other arm.

Dumbbell- Bicep Curl
Stand up straight with arms hanging and dumbbells in both hands, palms facing in. Curl dumbbells for both arms at once, twising your wrists on the way up and keeping your elbows still. Slowly lower repeat.

Dumbbell- Concentration Curls
Sit on the end of a flat bench with your legs spread apart in a V-shape. Rest your elbow on the inside of your thigh letting the dumbbell hang, while your other hand rests on the upper thigh of the other leg. Slowly curl the weight up towards your shoulder using just your bicep. Pause at the top and slowly lower to start position.
Dumbbell- Hammer Curls
Stand up straight with arms hanging and dumbbells in both hands, palms facing in. Curl the weight in your right hand up toward your right shoulder, keeping your palm faced inwards at all times. Pause at the top of the lift and then slowly lower. Alternate.

Dumbbell- Incline Curls
Sit on an incline bench with arms hanging and dumbbells in both hands, palms facing in. Curl the weight in your right hand up to shoulder level, while turning your wrist so that your palms face upwards at the top. Slowly lower the weight and alternate.

Dumbbell- One Arm Preacher Curl
Using a preacher bench, hold one dumbbell with right arm, palm facing up. Your arms should be supported against the pad during the full exercise. Curl dumbbell up toward your shoulder, pause, and lower to starting position. Alternate arms.
Dumbbell- Preacher Hammer Curl
Sit at a preacher bench with two dumbbells in both hands, palms facing each other. Lower the dumbbells until both arms are straight, pause, and curl the weights back up towards your shoulders. Your palms need to be facing inwards during the whole exercise. Repeat.

Dumbbell- Two Arm Preacher Curl
Sit at a preacher bench with two dumbbells and your arms resting on the pad. Curl dumbbells up in a semicircular motion towards your shoulders, pause, and return to starting position.

Dumbbell- Zottman Curl
Stand and hold two dumbbells with arms hanging down on both sides. Curl both dumbbells up towards your shoulders and when you reach the top, rotate your wrists so that your palms face downwards. Lower the weights to the starting position as your palms face downwards. Repeat.

Dumbbell- Single Arm Isometric Curl
Grab a dumbbell in both hands and curl the left arm so it sits at a 90 degree angle to your body. Hold that position in your left arm and start by curling the weight in your right hand toward your shoulder, pause, and then lower to start position. Complete the full set curling only your right hand while leaving the left arm still at 90 degrees. Switch arms and repeat


Grip the dip bars with your hands shoulder width apart and arms fully extended. Begin by lowering your body until your upper arms are just below parallel to the ground, pause and return to starting position by pushing up with your triceps. Repeat.

Dumbbell- Lying Tricep Extension
Lay back on a flat bench and hold a dumbbell with both hands palms facing up. Start by holding the dumbbell with your arms straight upwards. While keeping your elbows still, lower the dumbbell until it is behind your head. Once the dummbbell goes just past your head, use your triceps to lift the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat.
Dumbbell- One Arm Tricep Extension
Hold a dumbbell right behind your neck with your elbow pointing upward. Use your tricep to left the weight and extend your arm until straight. Slowly return back to start and repeat.

Dumbbell- Seated Bent Over Tricep Extension
Sit on the edge of a bench and hold dumbbell down to your side palm facing in. Pull your upper arm as high as you can while keeping your forearm vertical to the ground. Start by pressing dumbbell back in a semicircular motion until the entire arm is stretched out and parallel to the floor. Pause, and return to start position. Make sure your upper arm is still at all times.

Dumbbell- Seated Tricep Press
Sit on a straight back bench with a dumbbell held with both hands palms facing up. To start, raise your arms straight above your head and hold the weight in place. With your elbows still, lower the dumbbell behind your head until you feel a stretch in your triceps. Press the weight back up above your head, using only your tricep muscles while keeping your elbows still.

Dumbbell- Tricep Kickback
Place your left knee on a flat bench with your left hand resting at the edge of the bench for balance. Start with the dumbbell hanging in your right hand, with your elbow lined up at shoulder height close to the side of your body. Press the weight back until your arm is straight and parallel to the ground. Pause, and return to the starting position.


Dumbbell- Palm Down Wrist Curl
Start by kneeling beside a flat bench with two dumbbells in hand. Place forearms flat on the bench palms down, with your wrists on the edge of the bench. Begin by lowering dumbbells as far as possible, pause, and then curl dumbbells up as high as possible. Keep your forearms still during the whole exercise.

Dumbbell- Palm Up Wrist Curl
Start by kneeling beside a flat bench with two dumbbells in hand. Place forearms flat on the bench palms up, with your wrists on the edge of the bench. Begin by lowering dumbbells as far as possible, pause, and then curl dumbbells up as high as possible. Keep your forearms still during the whole exercise.

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