Sunday, February 26, 2012



Cable- Pull Downs - VBar
Grasp a V-Bar attached to a pulldown machine with your arms extended over your head. With a straight back, pull the V-Bar down towards your upper chest. Pause, and slowly return to the starting position.

Dumbbell- Lying Pullover
Lie back on a flat bench and hold dumbbells over head with palms facing each other and elbows slightly bent. Without moving your elbows, lower the dumbbells behind head, pause, and return to starting position by pulling the dumbbells back up over head.

Close Grip Front Lat Pull Down
Sit at a lat pulldown machine and hold the lat bar with a close grip and arms extended overhead. Pull bar straight down until it reaches your upper chest. Pause and return to start position.

Wide Grip Front Lat Pull Down
Sit at a lat pulldown machine and hold the lat bar with a wide overhand grip and arms extended overhead. Pull bar straight down until it reaches your upper chest. Pause and return to start position.


Dumbbell- Bent Over Row
Stand with your feet close together, knees slightly bent, and bend over so your back is parallel to the floor with an inward arch. Hold two dumbbells at arm's length straight down. Pull the dumbbells straight up to the sides of your body. Return slowly to starting position.

Dumbbell- Incline Bench Pull
Lie with your chest against an incline bench while holding a dumbbell in each hand. Start by pulling the dumbbells upwards using your back muscles. Remember to look up and keep your back flexed.

Dumbbell- One Arm Row
Begin with one foot on the floor and the other knee resting on a flat bench. Lean forward until your back is parallel to the ground and place your hand (same side as resting knee) on the end of the bench for support. With your free hand grasp a dumbbell and pull up the weight by raising your elbow as far as it can go. Pause, and lower to starting position.

Back Extension (Hyperextensions) (DO IT SOMEHOW)
Lie face down on a hyperextension bench with your body in a straight line. Bend forward at the waist as far as you can. Make sure your back is flat at ALL times. Then raise your body back up until your body is in a straight line again. You can choose to hold a weighted plate across your chest for added resistance

Swiss Ball Back Extension

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